
It is understandable that people may have an uneasy feelings about Artificial Intelligence,(AI). It is new and unknown, something we have never really experienced before. Of course all through history new things were scary to people and/or nothing to care about, a fad that will go. However you feel about it the fact is that it is not going away anytime soon. If artwork co created with the assistance of AI inspires someone then Its value is obvious. If people wish to suggest or share inspiration that they created with the aid of AI It is worth sharing to others. It would be nice to include the information about the AI used because it also may be inspiration for some who have not a lot of artistic skills yet can now express in detail the artistic visons they have to share. Exiting! What do YOU think about A.I. in art or other areas AI is moving its way into. The future looks bright for expression, dreams and ideas. If it inspires you, PLEASE share, snaring inspiration is free and valuable to someone waiting.